object frmRestoreConfirmDialog: TfrmRestoreConfirmDialog Left = 336 Top = 243 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu] BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'Confirm' ClientHeight = 269 ClientWidth = 461 Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] KeyPreview = True OldCreateOrder = False Position = poScreenCenter OnCreate = FormCreate DesignSize = ( 461 269) PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 16 object lblQuestion: TAxLabel Left = 92 Top = 12 Width = 358 Height = 52 WordWrap = False Layout = tlCenter Transparent = False AutoSize = False Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] Caption = 'lblQuestion' ShowAccelChar = True end object lblInfModule: TAxLabel Left = 12 Top = 84 Width = 46 Height = 16 WordWrap = False Transparent = False Caption = 'Module:' ShowAccelChar = True end object lblInfCreatedon: TAxLabel Left = 12 Top = 116 Width = 67 Height = 16 WordWrap = False Transparent = False Caption = 'Created on:' ShowAccelChar = True end object lblModule: TAxLabel Left = 92 Top = 84 Width = 359 Height = 21 WordWrap = False Transparent = False AutoSize = False Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] Caption = 'lblModule' ShowAccelChar = True end object lblCreatedOn: TAxLabel Left = 92 Top = 116 Width = 358 Height = 21 WordWrap = False Transparent = False AutoSize = False Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] Caption = 'lblCreatedOn' ShowAccelChar = True end object lblInfoOption: TAxLabel Left = 12 Top = 148 Width = 42 Height = 16 WordWrap = False Transparent = False Caption = 'Option:' ShowAccelChar = True end object Image1: TImage Left = 12 Top = 12 Width = 48 Height = 48 AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} end object cbOption: TComboBox Left = 92 Top = 145 Width = 359 Height = 24 Style = csDropDownList Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] ItemHeight = 16 ItemIndex = 0 TabOrder = 0 Text = 'Only restore this backup' OnChange = cbOptionChange Items.Strings = ( 'Only restore this backup' 'Restore all the backups created after that a backup') end object cbOptionModule: TComboBox Left = 92 Top = 181 Width = 359 Height = 24 Style = csDropDownList Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] ItemHeight = 16 ItemIndex = 0 TabOrder = 1 Text = 'Only backups for this AusLogics module' Items.Strings = ( 'Only backups for this AusLogics module' 'Backups for every AusLogics module') end object pnBottomButtons: TAxBackgroundPanel Left = 0 Top = 214 Width = 461 Height = 55 Color = 15132390 Align = alBottom ParentColor = False TabOrder = 2 DesignSize = ( 461 55) object shpTopLineBlack: TShape Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 461 Height = 1 Align = alTop end object shpTopLineWhite: TShape Left = 0 Top = 1 Width = 461 Height = 1 Align = alTop Pen.Color = clWhite end object btnOk: TButton Left = 280 Top = 16 Width = 80 Height = 25 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] Caption = 'Yes' ModalResult = 1 TabOrder = 0 end object btnCancel: TButton Left = 370 Top = 16 Width = 80 Height = 25 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] Cancel = True Caption = 'No' ModalResult = 2 TabOrder = 1 end end end